The JARO Team
JARO Consultancy is a Partnership based in Windhoek, Namibia with two partners: Alice Jarvis & Tony Robertson.

Alice Jarvis
Alice has an Honours degree in Environmental Biology and studied Ecological Survey at postgraduate level. More recently she has completed courses on website development, programming and e-commerce. Her research background includes aspects of animal behaviour, animal welfare and distribution of Namibia’s endemic birds.
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Tertiary Education
- Information Technology in Electronic Commerce (2010) Certificate course, UNISA, South Africa
- Developing Web Applications with PHP (2006) Certificate course, UNISA, South Africa
- Internet and Web Design (2005) Certificate course, UNISA, South Africa
- Ecological Survey (1991-1992) Postgraduate course, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
- Applied and Environmental Biology (1986-1989) BSc Honours, University of York, England
- Atlas of Namibia Team (2022) Atlas of Namibia: its land, water and life. Namibia Nature Foundation, Windhoek.
- Mendelsohn J, Jarvis A & Robertson T (2016) Rwanda: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Mendelsohn J, Robertson T & Jarvis A (2014) Tanzania: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Jarvis A, Robertson T & Mendelsohn J (2014) Ghana: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Robertson T, Jarvis A & Mendelsohn J (2014) Uganda: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Mendelsohn J, Jarvis A & Robertson T (2013) A profile and atlas of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin. Raison & Gondwana Collection.
- Robertson T, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J &Swart R (2012) Namibia’s Coast: ocean riches and desert treasures. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia.
- Mendelsohn J, Jarvis A, Roberts C & Robertson T (2002) Atlas of Namibia. A portrait of the land and its people. David Philip Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa.
Book Sections
- Simmons RE, Barnes KN, Boix-Hinzen C, Jarvis AM & Robertson A (2001) Namibia. In: Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands: Priority sites for conservation. pp 639-660. Pisces Publications and BirdLife International. Newbury and Cambridge, UK.
- Simmons RE, Barnes KN, Boix-Hinzen C, Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1998) Important Bird Areas of Namibia. In: The Important Bird Areas of Southern Africa. Ed. KN Barnes. pp. 295-332. BirdLife South Africa, Johannesburg.
- Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Robertson A & Simmons RE (1998) Bird Diversity. In: Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study. Ed. P Barnard. pp. 155-162. Namibian National Biodiversity Task Force, Windhoek.
Journal Articles
- Jarvis AM (2023) The highlands and escarpments of Angola and Namibia: orientation maps. In: Mendelsohn JM, Huntley BJ & Vaz Pinto P (eds). Monograph on endemism in the highlands and escarpments of Angola and Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment, 8, 1-6
- Robertson A & Jarvis AM (2000) Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and the possible negative impacts of drought and fire. Biological Conservation, 92, 241-247
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1999) Predicting population sizes and priority conservation areas for 10 endemic Namibian bird species. Biological Conservation, 88, 121-131
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM, Brown CJ & Simmons RE (1998) Avian diversity and endemism in Namibia: patterns from the Southern African Bird Atlas Project. Biodiversity and Conservation, 7, 495-511
- Barnard P, Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Robertson A & Van Rooyen L (1998) Extending the Namibian protected area network to safeguard hotspots of endemism and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 7, 531-547
- Jarvis AM, Messer CDA & Cockram MS (1996) Handling, bruising and dehydration of cattle at the time of slaughter. Animal Welfare, 5, 259-270
- Jarvis AM, Cockram MS & McGilp IM (1996) Bruising and biochemical measures of stress, dehydration and injury determined at slaughter in sheep transported from farms or markets. British Veterinary Journal, 152, 719-722
- Jarvis AM, Harrington DWJ & Cockram MS (1996) Effect of source and lairage on some behavioural and biochemical measurements of feed restriction and dehydration in cattle at a slaughterhouse. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 50, 83-94
- Robertson A, Simmons RE, Jarvis AM & Brown CJ (1995) Can bird atlas data be used to estimate population size? A case study using Namibian endemics. Biological Conservation, 71, 87-95
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Day KR (1995) Habitat selection and foraging behaviour of breeding choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax L. in County Donegal. Biology and Environment, 95, 69-74
- Jarvis AM, Selkirk L & Cockram MS (1995) The influence of source, sex class and pre-slaughter handling on the bruising of cattle at two slaughterhouses. Livestock Production Science, 43, 215-224
- Jarvis AM & Cockram MS (1995) Handling of sheep at markets and the incidence of bruising. Veterinary Record, 136, 582-585
- Jarvis AM & Cockram MS (1995) Some factors affecting resting behaviour of sheep in slaughterhouse lairages after transport from farms. Animal Welfare, 4, 53-60
- Jarvis AM & Cockram MS (1994) Effect of handling and transport on bruising of sheep sent directly from farms to slaughter. Veterinary Record, 135, 523-527
- Thirgood SJ, Robertson A, Jarvis AM, Belbin SV, Robertson D, Nefdt RJ & Kamwaneche B (1992) Mating system and ecology of black lechwe (Kobus: Bovidae) in Zambia. Journal of Zoology, London, 228, 155-172
- Robertson A & Jarvis AM (1999) Bird data in Namibia – a model for biodiversity information system development: Avifaunal Database User Manual. Research Discussion Paper No 33; Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia, 122pp.
- Simmons RE, Barnes KN, Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1999) Important bird areas of Namibia. Research Discussion Paper No 31; Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia, 66pp.
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Simmons RE (1998) Protocol for determining gamebird population sizes and quotas in Salambala Conservancy. Phase I and II: February & September 1998. Report to WWF (LIFE Program) and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia, 50pp.
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Simmons RE (1998) Gamebird population sizes and quotas in Salambala Conservancy. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia.
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1997) Endemic birds of Namibia: An evaluation of their status and identification of biodiversity hotspots. Research Discussion Paper No 14; Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia, 102pp.
- Thirgood SJ, Robertson A, Jarvis AM, Belbin SV, Robertson D, Nefdt RJ & Kamwaneche B (1991) Wet season distribution, density and population structure of black lechwe in Chikuni Game Management Area, Bangweulu. Report to the Director of the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Zambia.
Popular / Unrefereed Articles
- Jarvis AM (2022) Citizen science in Namibia. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia, 78-79
- Jarvis AM (2018) Citizen science in Namibia.
- Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Robertson T & Mendelsohn JM (2013) Namibia’s new Mammal Atlas – a project for the citizen scientist. Roan News, May, 8-10
- Jarvis AM (2006) SEPASAL – A project of the National Botanical Research Institute. Roan News, August
- Jarvis AM & Robertson T (1999) Namibia’s inland endemics. Africa: Birds & Birding, 4 (2), 50-56
- Jarvis AM (1999) Namibia. Africa: Birds & Birding, 3, 60-62
- Jarvis A & Robertson T (1998) The Namibian avifaunal database project: progress and products. Lanioturdus, 31, 12-21
Conference Presentations
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1998) Predicting population sizes and priority conservation areas for 10 endemic Namibian bird species. Ostrich, 69, nos 3 & 4, pg. 467.
- Simmons RE, Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Brown CJ (1998) Birds-Namibia. Poster presented at the 22nd IOC Conference, Durban, South Africa.
Most of the publications listed can be downloaded from Alice’s ResearchGate profile.

Tony Robertson
Tony has a BSc degree in Zoology and a Masters degree in Resource Management. In recent years he has completed several courses on programming with Visual Basic. He has a research background in animal behaviour, mating systems, population modelling and the status and distribution of endemic bird populations in Namibia.
Read more and see publications
Tertiary Education
- Advanced Programming with Visual Basic.Net (2007) Certificate course, University of Exeter, England
- Introduction to Visual Basic.Net (2005) Certificate course, UNISA, South Africa
- Resource Management (1992-1993) MSc, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- Zoology (1982-1985) BSc Honours,University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Atlas of Namibia Team (2022) Atlas of Namibia: its land, water and life. Namibia Nature Foundation, Windhoek.
- Mendelsohn J, Jarvis A & Robertson T (2016) Rwanda: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Mendelsohn J, Robertson T & Jarvis A (2014) Tanzania: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Jarvis A, Robertson T & Mendelsohn J (2014) Ghana: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Robertson T, Jarvis A & Mendelsohn J (2014) Uganda: the measure of a land. Vital Signs.
- Mendelsohn J, Jarvis A & Robertson T (2013) A profile and atlas of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin. Raison & Gondwana Collection.
- Robertson T, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J &Swart R (2012) Namibia’s Coast: ocean riches and desert treasures. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia.
- Mendelsohn J, Jarvis A, Roberts C & Robertson T (2002) Atlas of Namibia. A portrait of the land and its people. David Philip Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa.
Book Sections
- Simmons RE, Barnes KN, Boix-Hinzen C, Jarvis AM & Robertson A (2001) Namibia. In: Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands: Priority sites for conservation. pp 639-660. Pisces Publications and BirdLife International. Newbury and Cambridge, UK.
- Simmons RE, Barnes KN, Boix-Hinzen C, Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1998) Important Bird Areas of Namibia. In: The Important Bird Areas of Southern Africa. Ed. KN Barnes. pp. 295-332. BirdLife South Africa, Johannesburg.
- Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Robertson A & Simmons RE (1998) Bird Diversity. In: Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study. Ed. P Barnard. pp. 155-162. Namibian National Biodiversity Task Force, Windhoek.
Journal Articles
- Robertson A (2023) How well do CHIRPS precipitation estimates relate to measured rainfall in Namibia? Namibian Journal of Environment, 7, Section C, 1–7.
- Ward D & Robertson A (2017) Oxpeckers in Namibia: A review of their status and distribution in 2017. Namibian Journal of Environment, 1, Section A, 6-13.
- Armstrong HM & Robertson A (2000) Energetics of free-ranging large herbivores: when should costs affect foraging behaviour? Canadian Journal of Zoology, 78, 1604-1615.
- Robertson A & Jarvis AM (2000) Oxpeckers in north-eastern Namibia: recent population trends and the possible negative impacts of drought and fire. Biological Conservation, 92, 241-247.
- Coltman DW, Bancroft DR, Robertson A, Smith JA & Pemberton JM (1999) Male reproductive success in a promiscuous mammal: behavioural estimates compared with genetic paternity. Molecular Ecology.
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1999) Predicting population sizes and priority conservation areas for 10 endemic Namibian bird species. Biological Conservation, 88, 121-131.
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM, Brown CJ & Simmons RE (1998) Avian diversity and endemism in Namibia: patterns from the Southern African Bird Atlas Project. Biodiversity and Conservation, 7, 495-511.
- Barnard P, Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Robertson A & van Rooyen L (1998) Extending the Namibian protected area network to safeguard hotspots of endemism and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 7, 531-547.
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Day KR (1995) Habitat selection and foraging behaviour of breeding choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax L. in County Donegal. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 95(1), 69-74.
- Robertson A, Simmons RE, Jarvis AM & Brown CJ (1995) Can bird atlas data be used to estimate population size ? A case study using Namibian endemics. Biological Conservation, 71, 87-95.
- Bancroft DR, Pemberton JM, Albon SD, Robertson A, MacColl ADC, Smith JA, Stevenson IR & Clutton-Brock TH (1995) Molecular genetic variation and individual survival during population crashes of an unmanaged ungulate population. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 347, 263-273.
- Robertson A, Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M, Albon SD & Clutton-Brock TH (1992) Early growth and sucking behaviour of Soay sheep in a fluctuating population. Journal of Zoology London, 227, 661-671.
- Thirgood SJ, Robertson A, Jarvis AM, Belbin SV, Robertson D, Nefdt RJC & Kamwaneche B (1992) Mating system and ecology of black lechwe in Zambia. Journal of Zoology London, 228, 155-172.
- Clutton-Brock TH, Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M & Robertson A (1989) Mate choice on fallow deer leks. Nature, 340, 463-465.
- Emslie R, du Preez P & Robertson T (2004) Etosha black rhino population estimation 2001-2003 with special reference to the 2003 block count. WWF.
- Games I, Tagg J & Robertson A (2002) Development of a directory structure and training of the WWF SARPO GIS laboratory, Harare. Report to WWF SARPO, Zimbabwe.
- Robertson A & Jarvis AM (1999) Bird data in Namibia – a model for biodiversity information system development: Avifaunal Database User Manual. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia. Research Discussion Paper, No. 33.
- Simmons RE, Barnes K, Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1998) Important bird areas of Namibia. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia. Research Discussion Paper No. 31
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Simmons RE (1998) Gamebird population sizes and quotas in Salambala Conservancy. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia.
- Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Simmons RE (1998) Protocol for determining gamebird population sizes and quotas in Salambala Conservancy. Phase I and II: February & September 1998. Report to WWF (LIFE Program) and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia, 50pp.
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1997) Endemic birds of Namibia: Evaluating their status and mapping biodiversity hotspots. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia. Research Discussion Paper, No. 14.
- Milne JA, Birch CPD, Hester AJ, Armstrong HM & Robertson A (1998) The impact of vertebrate herbivores on the natural heritage of the Scottish Uplands – A Review. Scottish Natural Heritage Review No. 95.
- Robertson A (1995) Assessment and analysis of 1994 biological monitoring data on North West farm and croft demonstration projects. SNH, Inverness.
- Thirgood SJ, Robertson A, Jarvis AM, Belbin SV, Robertson D, Nefdt RJC & Kamwaneche B (1991) Wet season distribution, density and population structure of black lechwe in Chikuni Game Management Area, Bangweulu. Report to the Director of the National Parks & Wildlife Service, Zambia.
Popular / Unrefereed Articles
- Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Robertson A & Mendelsohn JM. (2013) Namibia’s new Mammal Atlas – a project for the citizen scientist. Roan News, May, 8-10
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A. (1999) Namibia’s inland endemic birds. Africa: Birds & Birding
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A (1998) The Namibian avifaunal database project: progress and products. Lanioturdus, 31, 12-21.
Conference Presentations
- Jarvis AM & Robertson A. (1998) Predicting population sizes and priority conservation areas for 10 endemic Namibian bird species. Ostrich, 69, nos 3 & 4, pg. 467.
- Simmons RE, Robertson A, Jarvis AM & Brown CJ. (1998) Birds-Namibia. Poster presented at the 22nd IOC Conference, Durban, South Africa.
Most of the publications listed can be downloaded from Tony’s ResearchGate profile.
What we offer
- GIS mapping and analyses (ArcGIS)
- Raster grid datasets analyses (ArcGIS, Global Mapper)
- Website development and design (PHP, MySQL, Drupal, WordPress)
- Web database development and design (MySQL, PostGres)
- Database development, customisation and automation of procedures using VBA (MS Access)
- Application development (Visual Basic)
- Desktop publishing (InDesign)
- Image manipulation and enhancement (PhotoShop, GIMP)
- Design, development and maintenance of websites
- Spatial analyses
- Publication-ready map production (Illustrator, MaPublisher)
- Development of custom databases (Desktop or Web based)
- All aspects of production of print-ready books, booklets, newsletters, factsheets, posters and flyers including writing, editing, copy-editing, proof-reading, layout and design
- Overseeing of entire printing process
- Data manipulation, processing, analysis and summaries
- Acquisition, processing and georeferencing of satellite images