Atlasing in Namibia app

The Atlasing in Namibia app is the official app of the Atlasing in Namibia website (, part of Namibia’s Environmental Information Service (

Atlasing in Namibia is a citizen science project for biodiversity recording in Namibia. The intended users are people who are in Namibia and its functionality is restricted to the geographical boundaries of the country. Currently there are options for recording mammals, reptiles, amphibians and alien plants.

The app stores the user details (first & last name, email address), and automatically records the location, date and time of each record. The user enters the species group, species, uploads photos if desired and enters notes if they want. When they synchronise the app, their records are uploaded to a holding file for the Atlasing in Namibia system. The app also includes a photo guide to the invasive alien plants which are included in the Atlasing in Namibia project.

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