Conservancy support tools

A set of data mangement tools relating to conservancies and the management of their resources, enterprises and income. Amongst other uses, outputs from these tools provide information used in the text, tables, charts, maps and other summaries presented in the annual report “The State of Community Conservation in Namibia” produced by NACSO.



Event Book Database

The Event Book is a highly successful management tool initiated in 2000. It has been continuously refined and is used by almost all registered conservancies. It promotes conservancy involvement in the design, planning and implementation of resource monitoring. Each conservancy decides which resources it needs to monitor. Themes include human-wildlife conflict, poaching, rainfall, rangeland condition, predators and fire. A range of automated outputs include data summaries, reports and print-ready formatted posters.

Income and Governance Database

Game Count Databases

A series of customised databases used for the compilation and analyses of game count data from several game counts:

  • the North-West game count carried out annually since 1999. The count includes all the conservancies and tourism concessions outside of national parks in the north-west and is the largest annual, road-based game count in the world
  • the North-East fixed route foot patrol game counts carried out annually in Zambezi
  • the South game count
  • moonlight waterhole counts carried out by the conservancies in the east

The databases use DISTANCE analysis and other methods to produce species population estimates for defined areas such as zones and habitats. Automated outputs include game count posters showing population trends.

Conservation Areas

A customised database to calculate and record the:

  • land areas and percentages of the major biomes in Namibia which are under each of the land uses: protected areas, concession, communal conservancy etc;
  • land areas and percentages of the vegetation classes in Namibia which are under each of the land uses: protected areas, concession, communal conservancy etc;
  • length of shared borders between each of the land use classes.
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