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Supporting conservation and the environment
through customised website design & development,
database development, GIS mapping solutions,
desktop publishing, layout & design and more...
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Supporting conservation and the environment
through customised website design & development,
database development, GIS mapping solutions,
desktop publishing, layout & design and more...
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Profiles & Atlases

JARO Consultancy has been involved in a range of collaborative projects where the main product has been an atlas or profile of a country or region. For many of these, additional outputs such as the key datasets, interactive online maps, booklets or posters are also available. We can handle all aspects of these projects from field-based research; stakeholder consultation; data collection, analysis and presentation; map production; writing and editing text; layout and design of the final print-ready books and associated products; to the supervision of commercial printing.

Namibia atlas and regional profiles

Profiles of African countries

Population analyses

Website Development

We develop customised websites for a range of purposes and organisations. Most of these have been for Namibian environmental organisations and projects, while a few are for commercial companies and enterprises.  They include sites with interactive mapping and graphing functionality, members’-only sections, calendars and online booking systems, forums and blogs, dual languages and more. A sample of these is shown here.

Websites for environmental organisations or projects

Websites for commercial or charitable organisations

Data Management Tools

Much of our support work to environmental organisations involves the development of customised tools for data management and analyses. This includes aspects such as DISTANCE analysis of game count data, compilation of multiple data sets for setting of offtake quotas, support tools for monitoring and management of conservancy resources and income, tools for the monitoring of sensitive species and tools to assist with various aspects of project management. A few examples are given below.

App Development

We develop customised Apps for Android and iOs devices for a range of purposes and organisations. Some are private apps (not shown here) while some are public. Apps can include options to record a variety of information types such as location, photos, text for data collecting and data sharing purposes.

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